Jonny Miller
How To Avoid Burnout with Former Tech Entrepreneur and Founder of Nervous System Mastery Jonny Miller

What job have you given money, and is it realistic? Jonny Miller and Carl explore this question in a discussion that digs deeper into the meanings of wealth, ambition, and fulfillment. Jonny is the founder of the Nervous System Mastery program, providing high-performers - from the CEO of a rocket ship company to startup founders recovering from burnout to busy parents attempting to stay afloat amidst the chaos of raising a family- with evidence-backed protocols to cultivate calm, build resilience & increase aliveness. A former tech entrepreneur, Jonny and Carl explore the pitfalls of hustle culture, the importance of self-unfoldment over self-improvement, and the necessity of experiencing suffering for personal growth.
Listen and Follow Jonny’s Podcast:
For more on Nervous System Mastery:
Jonny’s TedX Talk - “The Gifts Of Grief”: